MNA - Sede di Trieste

PNRA Expedition: 
X (1994-1995)
Chief Scientist: 
G. Spezie (Ist. Nav. Napoli)
Research Project: 
2a - Glaciology and paleoclimate. Biogenic sedimentation
Sedimentology Principal Investigator: 
M. Ravaioli (CNR Bologna)
Sampling Method: 
Gravity Core
Collected Area: 
Glomar Challenger Basin (Ross Sea)
Collected date: 
Water depth (m): 
Core length (cm): 
Number of Sections: 
  • Bonaccorsi R., Brambati A., Busetti, Fanzutti G.P., 2000: Relationship among X-ray lithofacies, magnetic susceptibility p-wave velocity and bulk density in core ANTA 95-89C (Ross Sea, Antarctica): first results. Terra Antarctica Reports, 2000, 4: 241-258.
  • Bonaccorsi R., Melis R., 2001: Persistence of living planktonic foraminifera (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) in Antarctic sea-ice infferred from a study of a sediment core (Ross Sea continental margin). In Chela-Flores J., Owen T., Raulin F. (eds.) "First Step in the Origin of Life in the Universe", 2001 Kluwer Academ. Publ., Netherlands, 255-260.
  • Bonaccorsi R., Quaia T., Burckle H., Anderson R.F., Melis R., Brambati A., 2007: C-14 age control of pre- and post-LGM events using N. pachyderma preserved in deep-sea sediments (Ross Sea, Antarctica), in "Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World - Online Prooocedings of the 10th ISAES X, edited by A.K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007 - 1047, Extended Abstract 098, 1-4.
  • Brambati A., 2000: Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental Records in sediments from the Southern Ocean (Strait of Magellan and Ross Sea). Terra Antarctica Reports, 2000, 4: 1-41.
  • Brambati A., Bonaccorsi R., Colizza E., Finocchiaro F., Melis R., Pizzolato F., Quaia T., Salvi G., Salvi C., 2001: Sedimentology as a basic tool fore palaeoceanographyc investigations. 2th International Conference on the Oceanography of the Ross Sea - Antarctica. 8-13 ottobre 2001, Ischia, Poster.
  • Contacts:
    Section Images: 
    Preliminary Description: 

    Alternation of laminated sediment with rare millimetric clasts and dense grain supported sediment. At 216 cm there is a net contact followed by dense sediment characterized by millimetric laminations and some pluricentimetric grain supported levels.